Students Grades
6th - 12th

First Wednesday of the month

We believe in caring for and investing in the next generation. Our students are a crucial part of our church and we want to see them grow and thrive as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our student ministry meets once a month on a Wednesday at 6:30pm for a time of Bible study, discussion, and fun!

Current Study

Identity: Who am I? Where do I belong? Why do I Matter?

Who are you, really? The world offers countless answers, but only one truly matters—what God says about you. In this KC students series, we’ll explore how Scripture defines our identity, relationships, and purpose, uncovering the truth of who we are in Christ.

Next MEeting

Do you have more questions? Or want to know more about our KC Students? Get in touch with our Worship and Student Director, Brendan Cole, by clicking the button below!

Wednesday, March 5th at 6:30pm