About King’s Chapel

Congregation in a time of prayer at King's Chapel

Welcome to the King’s Chapel family! We’re a non-denominational, gospel-centered, Reformed church near Altamonte Springs and Apopka that upholds historic biblical values. We strive to live under the authority of God’s Word for the glory of His name and celebrate His amazing grace to sinners like us. Whether you’re new to church, new to Jesus, or new to the area, we’re so glad you’re here!

Our Purpose

At King’s Chapel, we are committed to living under the authority of God’s Word, celebrating His grace, and shepherding one another in love as Christ modeled for us.

We exist to make Christ’s Kingdom more visible and His Church more beautiful in Orlando’s northern suburbs, Central Florida, and beyond. We do this by living in submission to Christ our King and living on mission for Christ our King.

 Our Motto

For the GLORY of our Great God

For the GOOD of our Neighbor

Our Values

Benediction during service at King's Chapel
  • Gospel-Centered - Free in Christ our King

  • Kingdom-Focused - Flourishing for Christ our King

  • Spirit-Empowered - Alive in Christ our King

  • Community-Driven - Together on mission for Christ our King

Our Envisioned Future

Wholly Loving

Loving God and loving our neighbor… Being the light of the world, being known as Christ followers by how we love (John 13:34-35)

Winsomely Engaging

Being the salt of the earth, graciously moving into the world as God’s ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20)

Warmly Embracing

Embracing in love those broken in our world by embracing our own brokenness and finding healing through Christ being broken for us (Is. 53:5)